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Why Cycle Enfield?

It’s about a #BetterEnfield for everyone.

  • Transforming our high streets & town centres.
  • Promoting more active forms of travel to improve our health.
  • Creating safe and secure cycle routes for everyone.
  • Improved public spaces

    Improved public spaces

    Smarter looking high streets, with more planting and new spaces to enjoy

  • Vibrant town centres

    Vibrant town centres

    Great places to do business, more people visiting, staying longer and shopping more

  • Accessible to everyone

    Accessible to everyone

    Creating places accessible by public transport, walking, car and cycling

  • Helping with cleaner air

    Helping with cleaner air

    3,000+ Enfield pupils at schools with nitrogen dioxide pollution above permitted levels

  • Help reduce obesity

    Help reduce obesity

    Enfield has the third highest level of child obesity in London. Obesity costs the NHS in Enfield over £80m a year

  • Active travel

    Active travel

    Helping to improve health and well-being by promoting walking and cycling

  • Safe cycle routes

    Safe cycle routes

    Safe cycle routes was the top answer when residents were asked what would encourage them to cycle more

  • Network of cycle routes

    Network of cycle routes

    Using a network of major roads and quieter streets makes travel by bike convenient

  • Reducing congestion

    Reducing congestion

    Reducing short car journeys eases pressure on our roads