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Featured question: What is the schedule for the A1010 North scheme?

Construction of the A1010 North scheme will commence mid-2019. We will update this page as further details become available.

How is Cycle Enfield funded?

The cost of the scheme is funded by Transport for London and is ringfenced for this project. This funding covers not only the infrastructure but also an extensive education programme, road safety improvements, access to cycling initiatives (e.g. inclusive cycling sessions), liaising with public health bodies and school engagement amongst other things. No contribution is made to this scheme by Enfield Council tax receipts.

Are refuse trucks allowed to park in the cycle lanes?

Council maintenance vehicles, including refuse trucks, are allowed to enter the lanes but only where necessary to complete their duties and not simply to drive or park. If you see any vehicle that is not using the lane appropriately please do let us know via the council’s report it function on the website

We are also discussing with colleagues ways which may allow for collections such as these to take place outside of peak commuting hours.

What is a “Dutch Reach”?

This is a term for the recommended way to exit a vehicle. Rather than opening a vehicle door with the hand nearest the door, you open it with the other hand which means you automatically turn your body around and can see if there is an oncoming car, cyclist or pedestrian.

How can we teach children to ride safely on the road?

All children have to be able to ride reasonably well before they take the on-road course, but once they are ready to ride on the street it is better for them to be accompanied while learning. The locations chosen for cycle training do need to reflect the actual circumstances on the street so that the training is relevant.

Who is responsible for cycling infrastructure on the North Circular?

Transport for London manages the North Circular. They can be contacted here.

Who is responsible for cycling infrastructure on the Great Cambridge Road?

Transport for London manages the Great Cambridge Road. They can be contacted here.

Where are the plans for the A105?

You can see the plans here.

Where can I view the plans for the A1010 South?

You can view the plans and a map here.

My bus stop on the A105 used to have a “electronic countdown” on it – what is happening to that?

“Countdowns”, which show passengers how long it will be until the next bus on their route, will be replaced at all stops that previously had them. Transport for London is responsible for these devices.

What are you doing to stop illegal parking in the lanes?

Once lanes are fully opened we can and do issue penalty charge notices to drivers parking illegally. In the first six months since opening the A105 route, 165 penalty charge notices were issued for being parked in the cycle lane or overstaying in parking spaces, this is in addition to a number of warnings to drivers.

What awards has Cycle Enfield won?

We were named Best New Cycle Project by the London Cycle Campaign and also the Sustainable Mobility Award by the London Sustainability Exchange.

Where can I get a second hand bike?

We run second-hand bike markets occasionally. You can find out if there is currently one planned on our events page. We also recommend looking at websites such as Gumtree for second hand bikes.

Does a cyclist have to stop at a bus boarder?

If pedestrians are getting on or off a bus then they have priority at these locations. Cyclists must give way and be courteous to pedestrians as the more vulnerable road user. This does not however necessarily mean that the cyclist must stop. When no bus is at the bus stop pedestrians should stand clear of the cycle lanes.

How do I report cars illegally parked in the lanes?

In the first instance please report that here. Please be aware that this does not mean that we will be able to deal with every incident but it does allow us to create a wider picture of where limited enforcement resources should be best located.

How can I report litter in the cycle lane?

For any issue of litter or if you believe a lane needs to be swept please report that here.

How can I find the report on a consultation I took part in?

We upload the reports for consultations to our consultations pages here. Search for the particular consultation you would like to view the report for under ‘Closed consultations’.

Where can I park my bike in Enfield?

There are a range of options in Enfield for parking your bike safely and securely. We have sheffield stands for free parking, as well as bike hangars and Cycle Hubs which operate on a membership model. For more information, visit our cycle parking page here.

We currently have a draft version of a digital map which shows all the council stands and some (but not all) stands on private land. We have plans to make this map publicly available online once details have been confirmed, hopefully by Summer 2019.


Are there any bike share or dockless bike schemes in Enfield?

Enfield Council have partnered with London bike brand, Beryl, to bring dockless bike hire back to Enfield! Launching in Summer 2019, people travelling in and around Enfield will be able to hire a bike for short term use. Beryl bikes are fitted with on bike GPS technology and use a smartphone app that unlocks a bike for hire. They also have Beryl’s patented ‘Laserlight’, also seen on the TfL Santander bikes. To hear more about the launch of the dockless bikes, sign up to the Cycle Enfield newsletter (via the link in the footer).

We have had dockless bikes in Enfield in the past. In mid-2018 Urbo, the company providing our dockless bikes, decided to withdraw from the London market as a whole. This was a business decision made on their part alone during a change in ownership and had nothing to do with the Council or Cycle Enfield. You can read Urbo’s statement here.

Can you put a cycle lane in on my road?

We schedule work such as this in phases, and the current phase includes all work until 2021. After this we will be looking at phase 2 and would welcome input into where people believe additional lanes may be required.


What are Quieter Neighbourhoods and when will they happen?

We’re working with residents to make their streets quieter and safer. By introducing a range of measures like lower speed limits and encouraging drivers to show consideration to pedestrians, we can help build respect for the areas where we live and where our children play.

We will engage with each neighbourhood asking residents what they think should be done and then we will put together plans incorporating residents’ feedback where practical and will consult with residents and businesses to find out their views on the plans. You can find out more here.

Do you offer training for drivers on sharing the road with other road users?

To complement our cycle skills sessions, Cycle Enfield offers Safe Urban Driving training for professional drivers operating in Enfield.

Developed by Transport for London, this is an accredited Driver CPC course designed to promote the safety and sharing of roads with vulnerable road users in London with a particular focus on cyclists. Workshops are aimed at all drivers of vans and Large Goods Vehicles who operate in, or pass through Enfield.

You can find out more here.

What is Dr Bike and how can I use this service?

Dr Bike is a free service offered by Cycle Enfield. You can take your bike for minor repairs by professional cycle mechanics at Enfield Town Library on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of every month, Palmers Green Triangle on the first four Thursday afternoons of every month and Edmonton Green Cycle Hub on the first four Tuesdays of every month.

Please note that if your bike requires repairs that can’t be fixed on the day, you will be advised to take it to a local bike shop.

Enfield Town Library on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of every month 10am – 4pm

Palmers Green Library on the first four Thursday afternoons of every month 4pm – 7pm

Edmonton Green Cycle Hub (Edmonton green train station) on the first four Tuesdays of every month 10am – 3:30pm

For more information, please visit our Dr Bike page here.

I think my bike might need a repair – what should I do?

We strongly encourage everyone using a bike to make sure that it is safe and suitable for use. You can take it to one of our free Dr Bike sessions where trained mechanics can fix minor problems or you can attend one of our cycle maintenance courses to learn the skills yourself.

What is offered for people of differing abilities?

Cycle Enfield wants to ensure everyone in the community has the chance to cycle regardless of age, training or ability. That’s why we run Inclusive Cycling sessions – you can find out more here.

I would like to get back into cycling but am a bit wary of going out by myself at first. Can you help?

We offer various training opportunities at all levels but if you have recently taken a course but just feel as if you need a friend nearby on your first few rides you can always book on one of our guided Sunday rides.

I have seen the new lanes but am not sure if I am confident to use them yet. Can you help?

We offer guided rides along the opened sections of the cycle lanes to help you gain confidence and also to answer any questions you may have on how to use them. You can find out more about these rides here.

I can already cycle but haven’t for a long time – can I get refresher training?

Our cycle training can offer courses for people at all levels from absolute beginner up to instructor level. Take a look at the different options and if you are not sure what would suit you please contact us and we will recommend a course that is suitable.

Do you deliver cycle training at schools?

Cycle training is available for schools on request. Ask your child’s school to contact us and we can discuss the different options.

Do you offer cycle training for children under 10?

We offer group training during school holidays for children under the age of 10. We advertise upcoming courses here or alternatively follow us on Twitter or Facebook (@CycleEnfield) or subscribe to our newsletter.

We would like to book cycle training as a family – can we do this?

We offer family cycle training to adults and young people aged 10 and over. It allows you to gain confidence and learn skills to cycle as a family. Your instructor will tailor the session to your requirements. Trainees must register to book a session. Find out more here.

Can I book cycle training on a one-to-one basis?

One to one training is available to adults and young people aged 10 and over. Whether you’re a first time rider or a regular cyclist looking to improve your skills, an instructor will tailor the session to suit your individual abilities and goals. Find out more here.

Do you offer cycle training?

There are opportunities for training for riders of all ages and abilities. We provide free, tailored courses to suit your individual abilities and goals. Check out the different training events to see what’s available.

How will people know how to use the new cycle lanes?

Cycle Enfield takes the education of all road users extremely seriously and this forms part of our overall strategy and budget. We run guided rides along the A105 to show people how to use the new infrastructure. In addition, in 2017 alone, we ran training sessions for over 3,500 residents, both children and adults, in which road safety rights and responsibilities formed an integral part.

Is the new Ponders End layout related to Cycle Enfield?

Yes. We recognise that the new layout at Ponders End is different from what was there before which is why we have created a FAQ sheet just for this section.

How many journeys have been made by bike on the A105?

The latest monitoring figures available are for the full month of July 2018 and relate to the Palmers Green area.  These showed that there were 12,317 bike journeys.

Can the cycle journeys counters distinguish which direction a cyclist is travelling?

The current system shows the number of cycle journeys but does not show the direction of travel. This is consistent with other journey monitoring loops such as those on roads which track the number and type of vehicle rather than the direction of travel.

How do cycle journey counters work?

As part of the installation of the lanes we have installed the latest counter technology at a couple of locations which can count the number of cycle journeys. This is formed by an inductive loop being inserted 2 to 5 cm under the surface of the lane. Each time a bicycle goes over the loop, the system detects the electromagnetic signature of both wheels and registers a count. Because of the use of the electromagnetic technology and algorithms within the system, the accuracy of the system is 95%+.

The technology contains a number of different algorithms which mean that, for instance, if an individual on a wheelchair, mobility scooter or a baby buggy were to travel over the monitor, these would be ignored as the algorithms allow it to detect only the wheels of a bicycle.

What are the Cycle Hub membership Terms and Conditions?

A single membership will give you access to both Cycle Hubs; one bicycle can be parked per membership; cycles must display the ID tags provided; abandoned cycles will be removed.

Cycle Hub managers Cyclehoop reserve the right to remove a bike without notice for the following reasons:

  • No Bike Tag ID
  • Abandoned Bikes: bikes left in the Cycle hub for longer than 4 weeks
  • Non-payment of membership fees
  • Standard cycles parked in non-standard parking spaces
  • Bike causing an obstruction

If your bike is removed for one of the reasons above, you will be liable for a £20 removal fee. Bikes are stored for a period of 30 days from the day after the removal date. Any bike not claimed in this time-frame may be disposed of.

Your bike is left at your own risk. Cyclehoop are not responsible for the loss, damage and theft of bicycles, locks or other items stored in the Cycle Hubs. We recommend you lock your bike using a heavy duty lock that is Sold Secure rated, as well as a robust chain or cable.

How can I keep my bike safe?

Lock your bike and any accessories to the racks provided inside any of the secure cycle parking provided by Enfield Council, whether Bikehangar or Cycle Hub (as drivers would lock their cars in a public car park). We recommend using a heavy duty lock that is Sold Secure rated, as well as a robust chain or cable.

How secure is the Cycle Hub?

The Cycle Hubs are covered by CCTV and lit at night, with glass walls providing both good natural lighting as well as excellent visibility and passive surveillance, increasing the security of the facility.

Who manages the Cycle Hub?

The Cycle Hubs are managed by Cyclehoop Ltd on behalf of Enfield Council.

How many bikes can park at the Cycle Hub?

Each hub provides cycle parking for 50 bikes, as well as space for 3 non-standard cycles like cargo bikes or handcycles.

What do I get as part of my Cycle Hub membership?

Membership gives you access for a year to secure cycle parking – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – at both Enfield Town and Edmonton Green Cycle Hubs for a £25 first year introductory rate.

How much does it cost to use the Cycle Hub?

Membership for a year of secure cycle parking costs £25 (first year introductory rate) and gives you access to both Cycle Hubs at Enfield Town Station and Edmonton Green Station.

How do I access the Cycle Hub?

Registered members access the Cycle Hub using a smart card. To sign up for membership (£25 first year introductory rate), visit the Cycle Parking page.

Where can I find the nearest Cycle Hub?

We currently have two cycle hubs: at Enfield Town Station and Edmonton Green Station.

What is a Cycle Hub?

The Cycle Hub is a secure covered glass and steel structure providing cycle parking at train stations and other key transport interchanges – open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Members can make use of a bike pump and repair stand to keep their cycles ready to go.

Can I park in the cycle lanes?

No, the Highway Code states that “You must not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line during its times of operation. Do not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a broken white line unless it is unavoidable. You must not park in any cycle lane whilst waiting restrictions apply.”

The exception to this in Enfield is that Blue Badge holders are allowed to use the cycle lanes to pick up or drop off but not to park or wait.

I took part in a consultation, how can I find out the results?

Consultation results will be published on this website and the Council website once they are complete. We will also publicise the results of the consultations via our newsletter. You can subscribe to this on our homepage.

Why do some signalised crossings have pedestrian phases and others not?

We have introduced formal pedestrian crossings at signalised junctions where possible. Owing to the amount of traffic flow, it is not always feasible to have this facility at all crossing points without severely impacting the ability of the junction to operate. Bus journey times in particular are impacted. Overall, the scheme has introduced several new crossing points for pedestrians and upgraded others.  We will continue to look at ways of improving pedestrian access across the route.

How can I give feedback on an aspect of the new road layout?

If you have a comment about any aspect of the scheme or construction get in touch via our contact page or send an email to

I have a blue badge – can I park in the cycle lanes?

Blue badge holders can pick up and drop off in the cycle lanes but should not actually park in them. There are a number of dedicated disabled parking spaces along each of the routes so you can find out where they are on the individual scheme pages.

Is the work on the A105 finished?

Most work on the A105 is now complete, with the exception of the junction with Hedge Lane. The Council were waiting for the gas utility company to adjust a gas main in this area so works can be finished. This has now been completed and we aim to have the road resurfaced by the end of September 2018. As with any major project, there are a number ‘snagging’ items that are ongoing.

Can cyclists ride on the road if there is also a cycle lane?

We encourage every resident to use the new infrastructure, however they were built primarily to encourage those less confident in cycling who said to us that they wanted cycle lanes. More experienced cyclists are fully within their rights to continue to use the road if they prefer.

Can you cycle both ways on a cycle lane?

Cyclists should only use cycle lanes in the direction of travel shown by the on-lane markings of bicycles that indicate what the direction of travel should be. Put simply, if a cyclist is travelling along a lane and the markings are upside down then they are not travelling the right way. Some cycle lanes may have dual directions. In the case of the A105 each lane has a single direction of travel only, which is in line with the carriageway adjacent to it. This means that you should travel in the direction you would if you were riding on the main carriageway.

What are the aims of Cycle Enfield?

There are two key aims for Cycle Enfield:

  1. To support more people to cycle.
  2. To enable more journeys to be made by bicycle.

Currently only 0.7% of journeys are by bicycle in Enfield. We would like to increase this figure towards 5% by 2020.

How can I have my say on the Cycle Enfield schemes and plans?

We consult with residents and the Enfield community on upcoming projects. To view our open consultations and provide your feedback, please visit our Have Your Say page. If you have general comment or enquiry, please email us at

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