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How can we help you

Browse our frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, send us an enquiry at

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How can I report litter in the cycle lane?

For any issue of litter or if you believe a lane needs to be swept please report that here.

How can I find the report on a consultation I took part in?

We upload the reports for consultations to our consultations pages here. Search for the particular consultation you would like to view the report for under ‘Closed consultations’.

Are there any bike share or dockless bike schemes in Enfield?

Enfield Council have partnered with London bike brand, Beryl, to bring dockless bike hire back to Enfield! Launching in Summer 2019, people travelling in and around Enfield will be able to hire a bike for short term use. Beryl bikes are fitted with on bike GPS technology and use a smartphone app that unlocks a bike for hire. They also have Beryl’s patented ‘Laserlight’, also seen on the TfL Santander bikes. To hear more about the launch of the dockless bikes, sign up to the Cycle Enfield newsletter (via the link in the footer).

We have had dockless bikes in Enfield in the past. In mid-2018 Urbo, the company providing our dockless bikes, decided to withdraw from the London market as a whole. This was a business decision made on their part alone during a change in ownership and had nothing to do with the Council or Cycle Enfield. You can read Urbo’s statement here.

Can you put a cycle lane in on my road?

We schedule work such as this in phases, and the current phase includes all work until 2021. After this we will be looking at phase 2 and would welcome input into where people believe additional lanes may be required.


What are Quieter Neighbourhoods and when will they happen?

We’re working with residents to make their streets quieter and safer. By introducing a range of measures like lower speed limits and encouraging drivers to show consideration to pedestrians, we can help build respect for the areas where we live and where our children play.

We will engage with each neighbourhood asking residents what they think should be done and then we will put together plans incorporating residents’ feedback where practical and will consult with residents and businesses to find out their views on the plans. You can find out more here.

How can I keep my bike safe?

Lock your bike and any accessories to the racks provided inside any of the secure cycle parking provided by Enfield Council, whether Bikehangar or Cycle Hub (as drivers would lock their cars in a public car park). We recommend using a heavy duty lock that is Sold Secure rated, as well as a robust chain or cable.

Can I park in the cycle lanes?

No, the Highway Code states that “You must not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line during its times of operation. Do not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a broken white line unless it is unavoidable. You must not park in any cycle lane whilst waiting restrictions apply.”

The exception to this in Enfield is that Blue Badge holders are allowed to use the cycle lanes to pick up or drop off but not to park or wait.

I took part in a consultation, how can I find out the results?

Consultation results will be published on this website and the Council website once they are complete. We will also publicise the results of the consultations via our newsletter. You can subscribe to this on our homepage.

Why do some signalised crossings have pedestrian phases and others not?

We have introduced formal pedestrian crossings at signalised junctions where possible. Owing to the amount of traffic flow, it is not always feasible to have this facility at all crossing points without severely impacting the ability of the junction to operate. Bus journey times in particular are impacted. Overall, the scheme has introduced several new crossing points for pedestrians and upgraded others.  We will continue to look at ways of improving pedestrian access across the route.

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