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17 Mar 2017   ·   News

Exchanging Places – March 2017



One of Cycle Enfield’s main aims is to give people the opportunity to choose which method of transport is most appropriate for any particular journey and to ensure that when they make that choice they are equipped to do it as safely as possible.  Educating cyclists, drivers and pedestrians in safer road use can be key to this.

The Metropolitan Police Exchanging Places programme gives cyclists the opportunity to see the view from the driver’s seat of a large goods vehicle. Cycling in London is a relatively safe activity but a collision with a lorry is the greatest danger.  Seeing the road from the driver’s seat gives cyclists a new perspective and Exchanging Places aims to give cyclists the skills and confidence to ride safely on London’s roads, particularly around this type of vehicle.

Since the inaugural event in 2007, over 20,000 participants have taken part. Their feedback is that 97% would change the way they ride and 99% would recommend the scheme to a friend.

Come along to our next buying tramadol in thailand event outside Morrisons supermarket – A10/ Southbury Road junction on Monday 20 March between 10am and 1pm.

Exchanging Places events give cyclists, car and lorry drivers and pedestrians the opportunity to see the road from someone else’s perspective. For example, cyclists are encouraged to sit in the driver’s seat of a lorry where a trained officer can explain the dangers when cycling nearby a lorry and the blind spots that lorry drivers may have. It can be a real eye-opener to sit in a lorry cab with all of its mirrors and see that in many instances a cyclist or pedestrian can completely disappear from view!

The schemes are used by many large fleet operators to ensure their drivers are aware of the other road users’ perspectives but it’s not just about lorry drivers – everyone has a responsibility for their own safety and that of others!

To see what a difference it can make why not watch this Metropolitan Police video which shows experienced cyclists and drivers swap places.

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