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Kien of Enfield Town's Story

Kien of Enfield Town

“ Think global, act local. Everyone can contribute, everything starts from the home, you can link it to everyone. ”


-Deputy Geography Teacher at Enfield Grammar School, Enfield Town.

I cycle from Waltham Cross to Enfield Town five days a week. I do not care if there is a storm, whether it is windy or raining. I also cycle between the upper and lower school.  It makes me feel energetic, young and fresh.  I think it’s a routine now, a great form of exercise; to burn calories.

I’ve been cycling for 20 years. I think the most important thing Enfield could do to improve cycling would be to get cycle paths and then definitely everyone would join in.  At the moment the roads are quite narrow to cycle.  I think it’s important to promote cycling through schools.

“ Man was made to be fit and physical, the body is like an engine, you’ve got to keep it roaring! ”

Read Radcliffe of Enfield Council's story

A bit of background

I have almost cycled the entire Scandinavian region. Everyone cycles there, they encourage sustainable communities: using public transport and cycles.

I grew up in a village on a farm in Malaysia. I would play in the rain forest and Mother Nature intrigued me. Later, I became in geography at university. I was more focused on biogeography caring about the environment. My these was about conservation. Then I got a scholarship in Sweden, to study sustainable communities. We studied changing urban environments, we investigated how traffic and congestion could change in London.