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Alan Sitkin's Story

Alan Sitkin

“ Can you imagine an Enfield where people don't automatically jump in their car to run short errands down the road? ”


On average I cycle about 25 minutes a day and walk about 30 minutes a day. I walk my doggie around the park, I walk to and from the local train station and other times I cycle for local errands in Southgate, from home to the Civic Centre and to the Bowes ward (which, I represent).  I do this around five times a week.

I used to play a lot of sports as a kid; I would ride long distances across the Los Angeles basin.  As I’ve become older it has become harder to find the time or energy to exercise.  Then I realised that cycling would allow me to do gentle cardiovascular exercise that doctors suggest ‘young old’ people do!  It really is a malicious myth to say that cycling is only for certain ages!

“ I cycle to work because it's a form of exercise and its quicker than driving during the school rush! ”

Read Aston of Enfield Council's story

A bit of background

Cycling is good for the environment.  It allows me to double-task, commute whilst staying fit, have fun and to save money.  My wife and I have never had more than one car at one time, this has saved us more money over our lifetime compared to if we had two cars.

I think we all have a moral imperative to ask ourselves what world do we want to leave our future generations, the vast majority of our younger residents are pleading for measures like Cycle Enfield. Our kids are supposed to walk during the school run.  Cycle Enfield is the first step towards modernising Enfield’s streetscene.  It allows us to catch up with other boroughs and cities who are creating town centres of the future.