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Terms and Conditions


All material on this website, including text and graphics, is copyright to Enfield council unless otherwise stated.

The text and graphic content of this web site may be used, printed and distributed ONLY under the following conditions:

The content of the site is used for non-commercial purposes only

Copyright information is displayed (© Copyright 2018 Enfield Council)

The content is not modified


While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information, Enfield council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of inaccuracy or error within these pages.

Enfield council does not endorse any external linked sites and is not responsible for their content.

Data Quality

Enfield council is committed to the highest standards of quality of information.

If you are aware that there are any errors in the information provided, please notify us by emailing

Information about Enfield Council

Our privacy policy covers Enfield Council and its website.

Accessing the Cycle Enfield Website

You can access our website home page and browse our site without disclosing your personal data to obtain information about the Cycle Enfield project and activities.

What personal information do we collect?

To use our online services we may ask you to register your name, email address and other relevant personal details. We will also collect information from you if you complete any other forms on our site or if you contact us with comments or specific requests. This information will only be used for the intended purpose and should we wish to use it for any other purpose, we will ask for your permission first.

Collecting information automatically

In order that we can improve our online services we will collect information about your visits to These statistics do not contain personal data and cannot be traced back to an individual.

We do not use cookies to store personal data nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals.


We will only use personal information you send us for the purposes for which you provide it.

We will only hold your information for as long as necessary for these purposes and will not pass it on to any other parties, except where required to carry out our duties and functions as a local authority.

All employees and subsidiaries who may have access to your personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

All your communications to us are protected against unauthorized access by third parties.


All the personal data stored on this website is recorded in a secure database.

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data.

We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to government institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.

Cycle Enfield Photo Competition

From time to time, Cycle Enfield will run photo competitions, hosted on this website. The aim of the photo competition is to encourage members of the Enfield community to show themselves enjoying cycling and to inspire others to give cycling a try.

The Cycle Enfield photo competition is open to everyone who lives, works or studies in Enfield, irrespective of photographic experience or equipment. Opening and closing dates will be advertised here, including any extensions to allow increased participation in the various categories.

Competition entries will be assessed against the following criteria:

Composition – how the photograph catches the eye, does it look balanced, does it work towards our aim of inspiring more people to cycle in Enfield.

Clarity – sharpness, brightness, contrast, use of light (NB: mobile phone quality images are sufficient; no super high resolution required).

Context – photographs that illustrate different areas of Enfield are particularly welcome, this can be expressed in both the photograph and the caption that is submitted.

A photo’s popularity as expressed in the number of votes it attracts will be noted. However, as entries submitted towards the end of the competition naturally have less time to garner votes, the key factors that determine a winning photograph are the above three selection criteria.

All photographs entered into the competition become the property of Cycle Enfield and by entering you give us permission to share these images on social media and for them to be used in any other Cycle Enfield promotional material. If an entry is selected as a winner, the person/people in the photograph (along with any parental/guardian approval need) will need to agree to participate in any promotion that is part of the prize giving.

Participants can enter multiple photo competitions, so if you’re not successful in one, try another. Happy snapping and good luck!

Data Protection

We will treat any personal information by which you can be in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. If you have an enquiry or concern regarding the processing of personal data by Enfield council, please contact:

The Data Protection Officer Enfield council Civic Centre Silver Street Enfield

You can ask us for information we may hold about you by writing to the above address.

You may also write to the above address to request a copy of your information and we will provide you with a legible copy of the personal data which we keep about you and to which you are entitled. We may require proof of your identity and information to locate your personal data.